Hulya Seferoglu
Associate Professor
UIC Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering
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1037 SEO
851 South Morgan St.Chicago, IL 60607
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Research Interests
Dr. Seferoglu's research interests are in the broader area of networking: design, analysis, and implementation of network protocols and algorithms. She is particularly interested in edge computing, machine learning at edge networks, coded computation, and secure and private computing.
Selected Publications
Recent Papers (See full list of publications here)
- A. Ardic, H. Seferoglu, S. El Rouayheb, E. Koyuncu, “Random Walking Snakes for Decentralized Learning at Edge Networks,” in IEEE LANMAN, London, UK, July 2023.
- P. Li, H. Seferoglu, E. Koyuncu, “Model-Distributed Inference in Multi-Source Edge Networks,” ICASSP’23 Satellite Workshop: Timely and Private Machine Learning over Networks, Rhodes, Greece, June 2023.
- P. Li, E. Koyuncu, H. Seferoglu, “Adaptive and Resilient Model-Distributed Inference in Edge Computing Systems,” in IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 2023.
- E. Vedadi, Y. Keshtkarjahromi, H. Seferoglu, “PolyDot-Coded Privacy Preserving Multi-Party Computation at the Edge,” in IEEE SPAWC, Oulu, Finland, July 2022.
- E. Vedadi, Y. Keshtkarjahromi, H. Seferoglu, “Adaptive Gap Entangled Polynomial Coding for Multi-Party Computation at the Edge,” in IEEE ISIT, Espoo, Finland, June 2022.
- K. K. Ramakrishnan, M. Yuksel, H. Seferoglu, J. Chen, R. Blalock, “Resilient Communication for Dynamic First Responder Teams in Disaster Management,” accepted in IEEE Communications Magazine, April 2022.
- Y. Keshtkarjahromi, Y. Xing, H. Seferoglu, “Adaptive and Heterogeneity-Aware Coded Cooperative Computation at the Edge,” in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Aug. 2021.
Notable Honors
2023, UIC College of Engineering Advising Award, UIC
2020, NSF CAREER Award, NSF
2018, Best Demo Award, IEEE LANMAN
2018, Research and Teaching Awards, UIC College of Engineering
2012, Best Paper Award Finalist, ACM MobiSys
Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering University of California-Irvine, 2010
M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Sabanci University
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Istanbul University